I have an Aquamax HOB skimmer on my 30 gallon LPS / anemone cube. It is my 3rd skimmer and by far the best.
Good points:
1. Silent
2. Better skimmate production than other skimmers I have tried
3. Doesn't take up much in-tank room
4. Solid construction
Bad points:
1. A bit of a pain to take apart and clean
2. Not as much skimmate production as an in-sump skimmer
3. A fair amount of microbubbles - I modded the output to minimize this
4. The tank mounting is not large enough to fit on a standard rim (I have a 30 gallon oceanic cube with plastic trim on the top) - I had to cut away part of the inside trim on the tank rim to make the skimmer fit
I would buy one again but the best option if possible is to go with a sump if there is any way to do this. But as far as hang-on skimmers go, this is a good one. I am doubtful about it handling much of a bigger tank than my 30 gallon however I have not taken steps to optimize the skimming eg. dosing vinegar, cleaning the collection cup/neck daily, etc.
120 gallon sps/anemones/LPS reef since 2004
Apex controller
8 x 54 watt T5 PowerModule
Herbie's silent overflow system
Jebao DC 12000 return pump
Jecod CP-40 Cross-flow circulation device
Mini Bubble King 180
Barr Aquatics calcium reactor
Bucket fuge