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Old 06-04-2014, 06:36 AM
craigwmiller craigwmiller is offline
Join Date: Sep 2012
Location: Edmonton
Posts: 233
craigwmiller is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by monza View Post
Black or orange IMO, long term they are very hard to keep. Even with strict regular feeding regiments they challenge the best reef keepers. Some have success but let me ask this, how many people her have keep them thriving for beyond two years?
Very good question! I failed. I kept an orange one (about 40 polyps) alive for about 14 months. I still have it (in the sump) because there is now a huge sponge on the bottom, but other than that............

I fed it, it ate, and ate, and ate, and ate, and then it lost interest in eating. It took about 4 months for it to fully die off, one polyp at a time would slowly peel back over a few days or a week, some would eat, others not, different foods, it just wasn't interested.
Single System Setup: 210G SPS reef, 225G FOWLR, 72G water change, 50G frag, 120G sump. I promise a journal at some point! (anyone need some coral frags? I likely always have stuff that is frag-ready)
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