Thread: vodka dosing
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Old 06-04-2014, 06:31 AM
craigwmiller craigwmiller is offline
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Originally Posted by langley reefer View Post
Hey everyone.....first time poster. I just started vodka dosing my reef and i was curious to hear your experiences doing this. Any tips and tricks?
I'm running Zeovit, but the same carbon dosing principles apply:

- Keep it consistent. Ideally set it up on an automatic doser (BRS 1.1mL/min is ideal), and split up your dosing to run several times per day. (I run 4x per day, every 6 hours).

- You can over do it. If you start seeing algae/diatom-ish blooms, take 2-3 days break and then start back up with say 25% less.

- Don't make HUGE changes too fast. If you aren't happy with your nitrate/phosphate levels, change your dosing by 10% - then do it for 2 weeks and see if it has changed anything.
Single System Setup: 210G SPS reef, 225G FOWLR, 72G water change, 50G frag, 120G sump. I promise a journal at some point! (anyone need some coral frags? I likely always have stuff that is frag-ready)
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