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Old 06-03-2014, 03:11 AM
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Default Tank cleanout (Calgary)

It's moving time, so it's time to reduce how much livestock I need to take to Edmonton with me. Prices are negotiable (hint: I am much more willing to be flexible if you are getting multiple items!). Photos on request for specific critters.

Lawnmower blenny $20
Clownfish $20 each
Yellow goby $20
Yellow tang (5”+) $40
Unicorn tang (5”+) $30
Hippo tang (3.5”) $45
Fiji damsel $15
Coral beauty $15
Fox face (6”+) $50
Skunk tail cleaner shrimp $15 each
Mini maxi anemone (reg/green) $15
Emerald crab $15

All corals include the live rock they are on where possible
Long tentacle mushroom $45 large (6” opened) $25 small (3-4” opened)
Green mushroom colonies $75 large (20 + heads) $10 small (2-3 heads)
Blue mushroom $5 single head (super bright!)
Green Zoa colony (~75 heads)/ blue mushroom $60
Small elegance coral (3”) $25
Large elegance coral (6”+) $100
Large torch coral (8”+ when fully extended) $65
Bubble coral $35
Small pocillopora $5
Pipe organ coral $40
Glove polyp $5
Green zoanthid colony (~50 heads) $75
Brain coral $30
Goniopora (6”+ when open) $50
Red Zoa colony (~30 heads) $20
Yellow Zoa colony (~10 heads) $10
Frogspawn $30
Colt coral $35
Unknown green sps (tiny) $5
Candy cane (green) $15
90g reef / 55g sump / 300 watt LEDs / CSC-120 skimmer - regal tang, yellow tang, unicorn tang, blue devil damsel, clownfish, lawnmower blenny, diamond watchman goby, yellow prawn goby, foxface, coral beauty angel, flame angel, mandarin goby, lots of inverts and LPS corals. Saving up for 300G tank :-)
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