Thanks for the reply. Ya I prob sound a bit confusing and long winded. I know I have allot of work ahead of me, but that's my point. If the insurance company is there to make it whole again then what does whole mean to you. Or me or to them. Would you be interested in buying some dry rock? It was soaked in sewage and given a heavy dose of chemical disinfectant. I'll make sure I rinse it thoroughly. Give ya a real good deal. Lol. Would you be interested in using it? I got a bunch of equipment and barrels and all kinds of stuff that came in contact with heavy chemicals. Good deal to anyone who wants it. I'll wash it with vinegar before you pick it up. I highly doubt I would be the only one out there with this concern. No one would buy a container to use for mixing or storing top up if they new it had ever been used in contact with heavy chemicals. Even if they got it for free. So should I really be expected to use mine? Why doesn't that person who sees that perfect sized container for there auto top off which they can get at a great deal on and the size just fits exactly where they need it but find out it's been used in contact with chemicals just simple give it a good wash in vinegar? Because common sense says no? Doesn't it? Or is my experience different? As the time of contact has been shorter? Frankly I don't feel confident and safe using it. Maybe I'm just paranoid? The insurance company would say its safe. It's been disinfected after all. It's just fish. I was able to obtain a copy of the MSDS of the chemical used for disinfect if anyone knows anything about chemicals. But what right do I have to fight for my concerns for the well being of my system and what it may or may not come in contact with. Or should I let someone else decide for me what is safe to use? Maybe I am over worrying. Maybe I'm not. That's why I'm asking for others help and opinions which I really do appreciate.
My time I knkw I will not get back. That is fine. I'm not looking to profit off the care of my system. But what I was trying to say is I cannot afford to push work back to accommodate this right now. So, I loose out on work and providing or I take the time to make sure I'm there for when my system needs me. So I'm in a tough place. Plus spending additional money right now on the system that I either already had and don't feel is safe to use or additional stuff to accommodate the special circumstances currently. That is why I mentioned calling LFS to get quotes on managing the system for me. Whether I trust another in the care of my system is another thing but then hey I can get back to work. If the insurance company is there to make it whole again and that is all stuff that needs to be done regardless then am I out of line or seemingly trying to take advantage of a situation? Not that anyone is implying but I am not nor would I take advantage of anyone. Insurance company or not. I could be staying in a nice hotel soaking in a hot tub right now and going for a nice steak dinner afterwards but I'm not. We're staying at friends and family eating meals provided by them. And I got coverage for that if I wanted to use it. I'm just trying to get help on what's fair given the not so usual circumstances.i don't want to be taken advantage of. Everyone I have dealt with so far have never encountered this situation. And like I said. Fish tank seems to be ingrained as gold fish or equivalent.
So I'm just wondering if others may have went through similar situations and how they dealt with it and what the experience was. And if they have any advice they can offer. So again thanks for reply.