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Old 06-02-2014, 08:35 PM
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Coralgurl Coralgurl is offline
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Sorry you are going through this, it certainly does not at all sound pleasant.

I am a bit confused on what you are asking for?? Your tank and inhabitants are fine, no doubt due to your initial response in protecting them. I understand your system needs to be moved so that the area under the tank can be disinfected and that may take some work on your part to relocate and then supervise the cleaners doing the work. There has recently been a thread regarding the use of chemicals and cleaning around tanks so being cautious is a good thing.

I am not an adjuster or work in the insurance industry, but insurance is there to make you whole again. Your tank is not lost, so no need for insurance to cover. Equipment - its been disinfected, if not sure, run through a vinegar bath to get their chemicals off. Your time, not sure how to measure that but I am not sure that's covered in your policy.

I have coverage on my tank, but all it covers is the tank and equipment and water damage if the tank let loose - no livestock. If you have additional pet coverage, I'd be inquiring as to what that means and just because an adjuster doesn't know how to handle a fish tank, I would think it would be their job to bring someone in who does??!!!

Best of luck!!
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