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Old 09-13-2004, 04:06 PM
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Bob I Bob I is offline
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Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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Originally Posted by kuatto
You control the southern part and I'll control the northern part.
I won't bother with mh lights for the frag tank,just some vho's or even just marine glow no.The green zoos that I got from you when I first started grew like mad under normal flouresence and just a canister for filtration,so no sense in getting all fancy(save that for my main tank )
Actually I have very little interest in controlling anything. If anyone is interested in purchasing my zoanthids, I will sell them to that person wherever they live.

However, as to growthrates. Those green ones do indeed grow like mad. I have another zoo, which is called "Fluorescent Green/Orange zoos", which is much more colorful, and looks fantastic under some actinics. They have almost the same growth rate as the green zoos. There is another one that I got from Christy, which has orange centers. It also spreads quickly. Other zoos that look really nice spread at a much slower rate. I have had some over a year, and I am just beginning to frag those
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