Originally Posted by Coral Hoarder
Totally agree ripping someone off - selling s frag for more then you paid for the colony
Huh? Okay, let me paint a scenario for you:
You go to a store, they have a colony of "Freaking Ultra Cornbread Kickstarter Eagle Rage Superman" Palys. Owner of the store doesn't know/doesn't care what it is as long as he gets his $75.00.
You buy said coral, realizing that its market value is $150/pp.
Do you:
A. Sell the Palys for the $5/pp that it works out to, tanking not only the value of the coral, but immediately devaluing the collections of anyone who purchased these Palys at market value?
B. Sell for market value and pat yourself on the back for being at the right place at the right time.
C. Do the manly thing and leave it at the store to let someone more pious to sort out.
I mean.. Look at it this way, Lottery winners pay a couple bucks for their tickets...