One of my first "profit" deals in the hobby.
Desperate woman calls and needs to move next day. Wants to sell me the full system she has. I have little money. She says whatever I have in my pocket. I have 187bucks. I buy system, 120g tank, large oak stand/canopy, sump, 200# live rock, fish, gear, etc. I made $1500 after selling the parts. Proud moment for me in the hobby.
My last "profit" deal.
Bought a local setup for $400. Tall 115g tank, meh stand, 80 pounds rock and a huge puffer fish. Takes me hours to tear it down and load the van. Drive to the LFS to give him my scraps. It's his Bday, his favorite fish is this puffer. I give him the fish. Had nowhere to store rock, gave it all away. Find out the tank at a locla school just broke and the kids are sad. I donate tank and stand. After I clean it. I'm into this for days now. Lots of gas.
After all is said and done, I'm out nearly $500 and a couple days worth of time. I own the heater still. Not sure it works.
Kids loved the tank. Another proud moment in the hobby.
Did I rip anyone off in either scenario? I don't think so. Everyone was happy, there was some money made, some money lost, some lives made better. Isn't that what it's all about?
I would like more money though...