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Old 05-30-2014, 03:11 PM
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reefermadness reefermadness is offline
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Woodstock, ONTARIO
Posts: 849
reefermadness is on a distinguished road

If you frag your $25 sps ten times... You just made profit.

So everybody who frags makes "profit"
Well thats not true at all. Profit comes at the end of all expenses. If your selling frags of corals you spent years growing (ie. your a hobbyist), profit is pretty imaginary. Not only do you have ongoing costs of running a system (ie. electical, salt, GFO, carbon, RO filters etc) you have your captiol expense of equipment. And lets not even mention your time. Cause if you are keeping track of profit your time should be considered an expense.

I totally wish I could see every dollar I spent and made in this hobby. If anyone "hobbyist" could come close to breaking even or "profiting" it would be someone like me with a large system and a dizzying amount of coral. Even so I think I would be short. Especially considering my large successful tank came after 2 other failures (previous tanks).

Last edited by reefermadness; 05-30-2014 at 03:17 PM.