i think its all fine when your talking about a 10" favia at the lfs and someone wants to sell it in 15 pieces at $30 each just to make a quick buck , yes thats shady.
to be honest i dont even have a display tank , when mine crashed i found all my enjoyment in my grow/frag systems . i grow each and every polyp myself...one by one except for the first one(im not god) i dont even like fish and corals is where its at for me lol
i actually found a new enjoyment in the hobby and it steps away from a traditional display tank. i like collector/designer zoanthids its the drive to find them , bring them in and selectively propagate them that i enjoy, simply put i love zoanthids. old ones fund new ones and the types of zoas i want and bring in are not found at any lfs locally or wild order from indo.
problem is i cant buy them in colonie size and if i could it would cost $$$$$$ , most of the polyps i buy now adays have a price tag of $50-$400 per polyp and for alot of them im lucky if the seller will part with more than one lol
so at $150 for one polyp you can better believe when it hits 4-6 polyps that sucker is getting fragged and im getting some money back before i lose the piece.
im responsible for bringing in alot of the designer zoas that are even available in canada.....someones got to be that guy right lol so i take the risk, pay the price , play the patience game and sell a polyp , and then move on to my next fix lol
and because everyone likes pictures :P
fresh new arrivals that i had to beg to even be able to buy, came from the states so the money may not be local but a lfs somewhere got paid lol
please dont pm me asking for retailers in the states for zoanthids lol