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Old 05-30-2014, 12:24 AM
FishingGoalie FishingGoalie is offline
Join Date: Jan 2014
Location: Calgary
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FishingGoalie is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Slyguy00 View Post
I think people have the right to do as they please. If someone gets something for a good deal, and sees the value of it and wants to make some money how is that wrong at all??? If the stores wonna compete maybe they should lower the prices a little bit. I'm all for buying coral to make profit. Gotta pay for this expensive hobby somehow.
I agree in some points to everyones responses. I personally wouldn't buy something from a fellow canreefer and sell it for a better price as that is just rude. What I have done in the past is buy a large colony from someone and the colony was to large to fit where i want it to go. So what I did was get a hold of the person who sold it to me and i asked them if he wouldn't mind if i fragged it and sold some pieces and asking him what price he thought was fair and we came to a conclusion on the price. I then saved him a piece for his new tank as well. I also usually only go to the stores that i think have fair prices, there is many stores I go to which i find way over priced.

In response to brad I agree with him completely on the selling your own frags and trimming. I actually didn't wasn't aware of this rule until now and I'm glad it was brought to my attention. On the other hand i feel if someone makes a bad purchase that they shouldn't have they should be allowed to sell it.( We have all made bad purchases that we wish we could take back.

This is just my 2 cents.