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Old 05-29-2014, 06:14 PM
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Originally Posted by sphelps View Post
it still takes significantly less time and effort to send a pm, text or email to request said pictures. .
For sending pics in a PM, is there a way to attach pics in a PM? If not, then sending a link to the photo in a PM requires me to upload the pic externally. So it does not take less time but more time. If I need to PM to multiple people, then it is even more time regardless.

For Texting or Emailing, that would be true if I am sending to 1 or 2 people. If I am sending to more than that, then I wouldn't say it takes significantly less time. If the pic was uploaded, then it's one and done. If I have to reply to everyone with a Text message, then it is more work for me. Some items will sell after 1 Text but many will not so I will constantly be sending Text messages.

I agree though that for people who don't know how to upload pics to external storage or not setup, there is an initial learning curve and might not be worth doing for selling a small item or items that all look the same (like an Emerald Crab. ) . As an aside, setting up external storage in my option is a good investment in time since external storage is useful for not just selling stuff on Canreef.
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