Ok, I've never done one of these, so can't promise great things. I can't promise that this isn't the only post I'll make
As many are aware, I have been hit with AEFW in the 180g. That, along with recent thoughts of a change, have forced my hand and I'm going to downsize a bit into a new build.
I've just ordered a 40l x 30w x 22h tank from H20 Aquariums, a local builder (formerly known as Seastar).
Equipment will be the tank
36x18x18 sump holding a ER RS180 skimmer, Zeo reactor, chiller pump and return pump. Topped off with a heater just for kicks.
Lighting will be a throw back to the good old days, 2 x 400w Radium with 2 T5 super blues for dawn/dusk.
Auto topoff plumbed into house feed.
Flow will be a couple WP40s and 2 Tunze 6055 (I think, the small controllable ones).
All devices will run off the Apex controller.
Still designing stand, but it will likely be about 48" long, black and modular. Going for a clean look.
Stay tuned, I may actually update and post pics