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Old 05-23-2014, 04:50 AM's Avatar is offline
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: calgary
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Ill pass thanks tho, i can get the HC-GFO a bit cheaper from other places i usually get it from here?

They haveHC-GFO for 19.99 for 20oz or 1.25 pounds that would be 80$ with the shipping from there site to me in alberta would be 8.99 so like 90$ total and your total would be 155$ i can get like 4 more pounds

Am i missing something this doesn't seem like a deal for the GFO
Don't mean to be that guy but seems something is off is it a 5 Kg box
Your question stands,but you are comparing 2 different products regular GFO and HC-GFO
one is lighter and light brown in color and the HC-GFO is heavier and dark in color almost black.
I had the same question asked in the past and I am not pointing fingers at any specific business.As for a fact there has been distributors in the past mislabeling some product and ferric oxide is one of them.

I ask everyone to do their research on any given product they plan on using.
I stand 100% behind my pricing as you will not find cheaper.
I will try to find some old photos I had taken when I carried both to compare...
By the way regular GFO is a decent product and could place it for group special price but not too many customers like to use it as it has some faulty issues one of witch grinding into the water column.