Originally Posted by One_Divided
I recently tried a heavy dose of interceptor on all my monitpora sp. I had brown/black copepods and a species of montipora flatworms (these didn't seem to eat montipora, just live on it).. Anyways.. This was a 48 hr quarantined treatment (in order to starve any remaining fauna in the main tank). Interceptor did NOT kill the flatworms after the entire 48 hrs. Bugs died within a couple hours. So my point is: interceptor doesn't kill those flatworms, so I doubt it will kill AEFW's. I gave all pieces a heavy dose of RPS before adding back to the tank and haven't seen anything come back, but I think the AEFW's eggs are pretty resilient compared to these sissies.
The brown/black pods you mention are black bug the same as red bug but inhibit monties