Originally Posted by Dearth
I have had good success using the nylon sock with fresh seafood(oysters, clam meat and uncooked shrimp)placed inside the sock. However with that being said I use fine mesh nylons as I found nylons with thick mesh the worms cereal all over and don't stick that good with the fine mesh their bristles stick quite well
I have tried traps but get varying degrees of success for me fine mesh nylons worked the best
good idea! I just cut up a fine nylon filter sock that didn't fit (d'oh!) and put some food in it. We'll see how many are inside it by the time I got to bed!
Originally Posted by Slyguy00
My Melanarus wrasse loves bristle worms. Iv seen him eat a few right in front of me. He's a beast. Eats anything that moves lol.
I've always wanted one of those... I wonder if it would get along with my richmond's wrasse? I need to reduce the population a bit before I add to it though