Originally Posted by straightrazorguy
Thanks for your suggestions, guys.
@ Masonjames: you are right; I am nitrate limited. I have algae growing like crazy in my fuge and I am started running biopellets in the last couple of months. I only have about two inches of biopellets that I started a couple of months ago. I haven't checked my nitrates in a couple of minths, but every time I do, they're undetectable.
What ither changes do you suggest? I am feeling somewhat squeamish about ading nitrates to my system...
Well obviously I can not say with 100% certainty that this is an issue for you that needs correcting, but if you are in fact regularly getting undetectable nitrate levels then it could be very plausible that this is in fact hindering you in your attempt to get phosphate levels under control. It's almost like your system would be working against you and not with you. Not quite that drastic but gives you an idea. Most can have very simple success combating this imbalance by employing almost any means of phosphate reduction and I am sure most would not even realize this imbalance as they simply see phosphate levels and remove them not understanding the relationship they share on a bacterial level. But for others for whatever reason(s) can struggle trying to pick up the phosphate slack and a fortune spent on gfo s and the like just doesn't seem to cut it. But most don't seem to find themselves in this predicament anyways so... You may just happen to have a system that is far to efficient at processing what could be limited amounts of no3 to begin with. Raising no3 does seem very contradictory though so I get the unsettling feeling but I suggest you do some research first and come to your own conclusion whether you think it's an issue for you or not. Probably the most simple and rewarding way of trying to increase if you determine you want to is just simply start by slowly increasing your bio load. Yay more fish! If you don't have success with that you may need to start looking at your means of nutrient control and husbandry practices and yes contradictory again but you may need to slow it down some. Keep in mind you would be after detectable levels, not excessive levels. And like everything else, going slow is the name of the game.