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Old 05-08-2014, 01:29 PM
Sasq40 Sasq40 is offline
Join Date: Mar 2014
Location: Grande Prairie
Posts: 142
Sasq40 is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by monza View Post
Yes he's sure. Should be good to go with foam.
Curious on your center pipes drains and returns, looks interesting, what do you have going on there?

Yeah the box is my overflow. Basically right now I have a Herbie system going, but the box was originally made for a Durso so that's why it's large. So I have one dry emergency drain and the other two are returns. I'm going to drill out some macro rock I have and slide it over the lines to cover them

Originally Posted by Maverick00 View Post
This happens when the tank is full of water? Mine was unstable on the carpet until it was full and it settled nicely. I had to keep an eye on where i located it though, some parts of the floor have a minor concrete hump underneath that was causing a wobble. As far as shims, I would try to use plastic playing cards for the corners causing the issue. They will not compress and are used to shim the slate on pool tables.
It did the first time. But then the tank wasn't level. So going to try levelling the tank, then filling and see if the weight makes it stable

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