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Old 05-06-2014, 12:30 AM
iceman86 iceman86 is offline
Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: edmonton
Posts: 246
iceman86 is on a distinguished road

So after almost 2 weeks of trying to get rid of it i haven't had any luck. It started to smother my corals so I tried chemiclean and it didn't make a dent. After much research I've come to the conclusion that it's actually Dino's. I tried a 3 day black out and it helped a bit but the following day it was back full blown.

I have to constantly blow my corals because the snot it releases get caught on the sps and smothers them. I have a little bit on the rocks but I think it's just the snot blowing around and getting caught.

If I removed my sand bed would it get rid of the Dino's or is it something that's actually stuck in my rock as we'll?

Many people have battled this and very few prevail.

I planned on doing a tank overhaul next month and restarting it because it's got a massive internal overflow box and I'm turning it into an external. I don't care about replacing the sand bed But I'd like it if I didn't have to replace or cook my rocks and recycle my tank as I don't have another one to keep my corals and fish in for the time being.

Any ideas?

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