Thanks for the great info guys!
gregzz4 if i do attempt to do it here ill throw you a pm.
To my surprise alot of the noise was coming from the wet side, even though i cleaned it over and over again. The dry side is still noisy but i find it more irritating than ever because i started running it at 100%.
As frustrating as it is i must say I am very happy overall with the pump. I actually bought it used a couple years ago so its defiantly seen some use. I did however have to buy a new control unit for it as well a few months ago.

- 33 Gal - 20Gal Sump, MP10/Hydor Powerheads, Aquaticlife 4x T-5HO, Vertex IN100, TLF w/Biopellets, Tunze ATO
-45GAL Build in Progress!-