Thread: Jebao WP-40
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Old 05-01-2014, 01:05 AM
nrosdal nrosdal is offline
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: kelowna, bc
Posts: 525
nrosdal is on a distinguished road

i have dealt with these for a while and the only down side i find is that power does go down if you put off cleaning more then 6 months. Have had a few failures. But over quite a while now and hundreds sold i have had maybe 4 head replacements and 5 controller/power supply issues. With failure or defect in the 2-3% range over close to 2 years i can't say it is any worse then any other product that i have dealt with and 10 times better then some that used to be carried. As long as you get them somewhere that will handle it well (including a few vendors on here and fish street), they are pretty much worry free.
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