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Old 04-29-2014, 01:00 AM
apexifd apexifd is offline
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Originally Posted by gregzz4 View Post
Brad, if it's M. C. Hexahydrate, you'll want to mix 5cups of it with 3cups Epsom salts into RO and after it's mostly dissolved top it up to 1 US gallon/3785ml
This will last you quite awhile, once your Mag is up where you want it

For dosing go to this Reef Chemistry Calculator and select Randy's Recipes 1 and 2 versions A and B
Don't miss the top window where you add your system volume if you want the calculator to actually work

Even though you have a Calcium Reactor, info on the Recipes is here;
An Improved Do-it-Yourself Two-Part Calcium and Alkalinity Supplement System
It'll tell you more about the Mag portion the Recipe

Edit: I didn't realise Randy wrote a separate article just for Mag
Thanks for the link
formula is different when you use calcium reactor.
150DD mix reef with 90 gal sump and 40gal frag tank

purple tang, sohal tang, yellow eye kole tang, fairy wrasse. cleaner wrasse, leopard wrasse, and misc fish.

GHL Mitras 6200HV X 2, MP40 X 2, MP60 X 1, tunze 6095 X 2, Vertex RX6 calcium reactor, Bubble King SM250, Aquamaxx bio pellets reactor, Profilux 3
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