Thread: Dwarf Seahorses
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Old 04-27-2014, 03:36 AM
rayjay rayjay is offline
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: London, Ontario
Posts: 340
rayjay is on a distinguished road

As dwarfs have a very short life span, it is much better to enrich the brine nauplii before using as food.
Their normal 1 1/2 yr lifespan might get over two years if done correctly and consistantly.
Grow out the newly hatched nauplii for a day (they cannot feed until they molt to the Instar II stage where the digestive tract is completed), and then enrich using new water and new enrichment for each of two 12 hour stages.
They would be considered gut loaded after one stage, but after the second, the enrichment will have become assimilated into the flesh providing more enrichment than just gut loading.
The best enrichment to use is Dan's Feed from
When I imported them a few years back I think the cost worked out to be in the $30's. Watch out for the brokerage fee when landed in Canada.
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