Thread: Bad cyano
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Old 04-26-2014, 12:34 AM
Baker Baker is offline
Join Date: Apr 2013
Location: Calgary
Posts: 169
Baker is on a distinguished road

Your lucky, thats not bad at all. I had cyano so bad(negligence) it was about 1/4" thick everywhere. I dosed chemiclean once a week for about 6 weeks and started using kz cyanoclean along with kz coral snow about 5 weeks in. It was a long road back to a clean tank but I am just seeing the last of it now. One thing I did add that seemed to help was I dosed a vial of Prodibio reef booster. Could of been coincidence. This was all done while doing twice a week water changes. Once after the chemiclean treatment and another a few days later. It was about 20-30% each time. There were other little things I added as well, sand cleaners. About 2 dozen nassarius snails both big and small. Changed my filter media(canister). I had to hit it hard and by the looks of it you wont have to go to that extent. This all took me about 3 months. Follow the instructions to the letter when it comes to chemiclean and you will be fine. Cyanoclean is a different animal as it is bacteria that out competes the cyano bacteria. Kz recommends complementing it with kz coral snow. dont know if it helped but the tank is looking waaaay better. Good luck
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