Originally Posted by Myka
Good to hear! Minimal losses then? This is good news. Both for Tiff and the livestock!
so far no losses, i believe there is a small chromis or damsel that they couldnt catch.
we couldnt acclimate as the water they came in more than likely was contaminated so it was a quick temp acclimate and then in they went to water syphoned from our display.
we are going to watch them for a few days and try feeding this evening
out of all the fish all of them are out and about swimming but one is in hiding.
breathing has returned to normal and corals are opening and doesnt seem to have any loss there.
im trying to give the fish there own space and not stress them out further and they are in our qt room with fresh liverock from my display, hopefully they will eat some frozen tonight.
as far as fish condition goes the one im most scared of ( cowfish) seems to be doing just amazing and the best of the bunch
theres going to be a lot of work to clean out the system, prob some tough calls to make but we have sent them home with a game plan and matt has given them his personal cell number in case they need him to come over.
we will help in anyway we can...short supplies,knowledge etc.
ive been in a similiar boat before and i remember kevin at red coral offering something similiar, it all came down to if i have the space which lucky enough right now we did