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Old 04-24-2014, 04:36 PM
denny_C denny_C is offline
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Originally Posted by iceman86 View Post
Denny would you pull the gfo offline?
if it were me right now i would cut back on the carbon dosing and pull the gfo temporarily.

i would look at adding carbon and then stopping vinegar all together for a while.

still cut back on feeding but let everything settle back to low range and not so close to ULNS, these are very hard to keep stable when looking at it from a nutrient point of view( tough balance to keep stable, one binds the other feeds)

once your back to low range you can then try again with the vinegar and gfo , although i would start with the vinegar and add the gfo later or only when po4 is creeping up on you.

half the problem is the carbon dsoing is pulling out anything readable on nitrates but isnt doing it for the phosphates, in an ULNS system 0.02 for po4 is a bit high when you cant see anything for nitrates, what are you using im assuming the hanna ULR? cyano being resilient pulls out food where ever it can get it, sometimes more often then not for only whats available....half the reason why its so hard to pin point a cause

how low is your bioload ?

you using bulk gfo or rowaphos?

at your point theres nothing dying so i would do all this slowly and bring it back to low range , your corals will darken a bit you may even get some more cyano or diatoms but colors can come back and diatoms will go away , same with the cyano.

of course.....its all hard to pin point but i have noticed this many times while using carbon dosing methods.

other options are to start adding natural po4 removers like cheato and mangroves etc. , maybe not now while so low but once you get up there again.

cheers buddy

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