All photos taken with a cell phone, so take that into mind. Click on image for larger.
Rainbow delight chalice, 180$
Huge everlasting gobstopper rock, 80$
Setosa Frags, 30-60$
Large Jason Fox green chalice, 120$
Large gold chalice (looks greenish under my LEDs) 200$
Candy Apple reds, 60-80$
Setosa frags, 30-60$
Gorg, 50$
toadstool (I think that's what it is) 40$
Can't recall the other chalice names, but they all came from Jason Fox (meaning they could have been labeled as a tyree) except the gold one. Offers.
Open to offers. Will trade for high end SPS. I am in Beaumont. It's 8 minutes south of the city off the Henday. I won't ship. And delivery is 50$.
Rainbow Delight
Random Jason fox chalice, it's probably 5x3 or larger.
Plus the small one is some Jason Fox chalice too.
Neon toadstool, I think that's what it's called anyways.
Some fancy Jason Fox chalice, blueberry or something like that???
Monti Setosa, they are bright neon pink, I have a couple other frags too. The original frag came from Jason Fox.
Ponope Birdsnest, original frag came from ORA. Have several frags.
Candy Apple Reds, and a couple other frags of zoas, not sure all their names.
2014-04-21 22.23.03
Large gobstoppers rock, has to be 100 heads. Also some frogspawn for sale (or is that hammer?)
Gold Chalice