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Old 04-21-2014, 08:19 PM
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Default how much simpler can FOWLR be?

I'm considering a tank for larger fish because I really miss them. I'll only proceed if it's considerably cheaper and easier to run than a reef tank.

My plan was to simply make sure I have a really good skimmer and run bio-pellets to keep nitrates in check. No dosing, no gfo, maybe change 10% of my water each month or even every two. Just enough light to see my fish.

Is that scenario possible? It's the water change aspect that will make or break this plan. If I run the pellets could I get away with minimal water changes?
My 67 392 225 101 94 34 97 404 28 93 209 gallon reef.

Last edited by lastlight; 04-21-2014 at 08:28 PM.
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