Work is getting busier and I do not have the amount of time to enjoy or maintain it as I would prefer to. I know it’s more difficult to do, but looking to sell as a whole as I currently do not have the needed time to meet multiple individuals for part outs as it is in my office. Looking to sell for $400.00 but I am flexible especially to anyone who will take as a whole as well as could do it this weekend.
- Assorted blue discosomas, a few riccordea, and a colony of orange Rhodactis (?) that split into two colonies.
-Flametail Blenny
-Yellow Tail Blue Damsel -Coral Banded Shrimp
-Coral Beauty -Brown Serpent Star
-Decorator Crab -Asst Hermits & Snails
-Yellow Watchman Goby
-Lights: PC’s are Power Compact but need to be replaced soon (10 months old) One Dead blue night LED.
-Heater: 100W Marineland Visitherm (11 months old)
-Pump: Ehiem Compact Pump 1000 (12 months old)
-Skimmer: Aquatic Life Mini Skimmer 115 (15 months old)
-Maxi Jet 400 (only used on and off to circulate water when doing water changes)
- x3 books from Julian Sprung (Corals, Invertebrates, and Algae-Problem Solver’s Guide)
Thank you for looking,