Originally Posted by FishinGoalie
No need to be a jerk.
i have been searching for a couple days for something smaller but i can't find anything i have asked many people on can reef about this smaller holes chicken wire.
And I don't know if any one else agrees with me but just getting a lid with smaller holes IS NOT going to help my fish from getting scared by something. I don't want them ramming there poor heads into something every day. Please i asked for advice not criticism
First I'm gonna tak a second and defend "slyguy". U totally misinterpreted his msg. He is a really nice and helpful fellow in the community. Sometmes in our haste to deliver the message wthout writing a novel we overlook the possible implied "tone" of the message. Me for example, I destroy the english language...lmao.
I agree with what everyone else has put forward. I guess a guy could grab some plexi too and either drill out some holes if desired, or leave solid to control evap. Your Trigger may be the root cause. Cant remember where but read somewhere a long time ago Triggers and Tangs dont always mix well. If push came to shove I will take a Tang over a Trigger any day. Yellows are known to b agressive although mine is a bloody pussy cat and only gets ****ed if someone goes near "HIS" veggie clip.