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Old 04-20-2014, 04:04 AM
Taipan Taipan is offline
Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: Toronto, Ontario
Posts: 312
Taipan is on a distinguished road

Wrasses and gobies are naturally "nervous" and skittish. Sudden movements and vibrations can make them dart around. An assortment of rocks, crevices, and substrate helps.

The Bulk Reef Supply 1/4" Netting is ideal in my opinion to help prevent jumpers and carpet surfing. It also allows for much better light penetration than light diffusing egg crate. Egg crate tends to cast larger shadows.

This plastic netting has been known to be available at Home Hardware stores and some Garden Nurseries.

It is possible that your Tang is scaring them; but there may also be other variables as well. As an example: If your display is in a low traffic area where not a lot of people/pets pass by it; your inhabitants will be used to that. Any sudden movements or vibration may startle them.

P.S. - Jawfish.....great jumpers - out of the display, into overflows, and into sumps.
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