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Old 04-18-2014, 04:24 PM
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ruslicus ruslicus is offline
Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: Calgary
Posts: 125
ruslicus is on a distinguished road
Default Full System for Sale - Calgary


after couple of years running the system, unfortunately need to sell it. It is still running and will try to sell it as a full system:
1. Tank: 36"x21x20" with 3 low iron sides built by concept
2. Metal stand with 3 sides built-in doors built by concept
3. SUMP built by concept to match the system and stand
4. Lighting: Illumina SR260 2ft with multi color, uv modules
5. Pupmps: Ecotech MP10w and MP40w
6. All plubing
7. 3 pump doser
8. In-sump: 2 media reactors with pumps and skimmer with DC controller
9. DC return pump

various Zoas
True Percula
Purple Firefish

All in one asking $3000 obo. Please contact for pictures and details. Thx

Last edited by Aquattro; 04-21-2014 at 03:05 AM.
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