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Old 04-18-2014, 09:14 AM
nrosdal nrosdal is offline
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: kelowna, bc
Posts: 525
nrosdal is on a distinguished road

I have had a bit of an issue with lights taking a lot longer from order to receiving them then previous as well as ordering a normal amount of what would normally be needed and selling 3-5 times that for the last month or so. I have added a bunch extra as the way it has gone the last few orders is causing a wait and that is not what should be happening. But it should all be sorted out shortly with more being stocked and ordering more extras in case volume stays as high as it has been recently.

As for yours Bean, i hate to say it but i screwed it up and your light that was set aside for optics to be added was accidentally sent out I have another batch coming in next week and will express ship it to you as soon as they get here. Sorry, i am not sure how i did it... But emailed ya with my apologies and a small bribe that will hopefully buy a little more patience until the new batch comes.

As much as i would love to say that no mistakes are ever made it would not be true. But hopefully i can get this one sorted out for you asap. Please feel free to pm, email, or call if you have any questions.