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Old 04-17-2014, 04:09 PM
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KPG007 KPG007 is offline
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Surrey, BC
Posts: 225
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Default Colonies for sale - Red Planet, Confusa

I need to make some room in my tanks.

First up is an extra large Confusa Colony. It's a plating / branching monti which has grown up the side of my overflow and starting to grow into neighboring colonies. The piece on the overflow will stay, but the main rock and colony needs to go.

Price: $50

Here is a picture of a similar colony (NOT mine):

Next up is a Red Planet Colony. What start out as a small frag on one of my racks, over grew the plug, encrusted onto the rack and, over the past two years has grown into a large colony. I already have my main colony, so this one needs to go.

Price: $150

Very similar to this pic (NOT mine):

Bring buckets if you want one of these guys.
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