I have had a ritteri nem in my tank since December. He moved around for the first week and settled down. He had been in the top corner of the tank up until this last week. Since a week ago he's journeyed around the top rock work from one end of the tank to the other. I've had to relocate various other corals to accommodate his expedition.
Today he has ventured down to the front of the tank down to substrate level. Two OC clowns moved in the first day I brought the nem home and have not left it since.
I feed him silversides and mysis every few days. I had my water checked at the lfs to verify my test results and my water shows no issues other than alk being slightly low( I dose once a week as this has always been an issue).
How often do you guys feed them and what do you generally feed? I use marine snow in the water once a week as well.
Any idea why he could all of a sudden be on the move? I have excellent flow in the tank.
Will he kill any corals he goes near? I have hammer, torch, brain, toadstools, LTP, bubble, sun coral, goni, monti, Xenia, Gsp and frogspawn.
He is still beautiful and healthy looking with great color.
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