We actually have a total of three bay doors.
The third door is on our drygoods side on the other side of the door in the pic.
Thats where most of the trucks will pull up to.
The middle door we are converting to a drive up door so that we can pull our cargo vans in to make loading and unlading of livestock much easier.
Its only about 5 steps to carry it up right now.... but 5 more steps than i like to take when your unpacking +40 boxes!!
The "blue zone" (aka the area of the floor with blue paint you can kinda see in the pic is out workshop area.
We are building a nice tool bench area with all the tools up on a board.
1 chop saw for acrylic/pvc and one for wood.
Its annoying swapping the baldes back and forth so often you end up trying to take short cuts and not swapping the blades which is not preferable.
I am looking for a good deal dust collector too to keep this are even cleaner.
We are pretty much ALWAYS building something new and working on 3-4 building projects at once.
So ALL building project must remain here which will help keep the dust and mess to one area... in theory anyways