This forum has such amazing members!
I had a chat with my fiancé last night about where things are at and what is going on and he feels right now is such a short term issue, we just need to get through the next few months and things "should" go back to normal.
The tank doesn't wear on me, its just finding the time to deal with it. It only stresses me out because I feel like its not getting enough attention, therefore I am creating a poor habitat for the livestock. Operationally, its fine, not great, not bad.
I like the relationship analogy....yes, some are in for the long haul, for some its a novelty and get bored and move on to something else. While my passion will never turn me into a LFS employee or owner, I like the challenge and sense of accomplishment it brings. I will try to get through the next few months and wait until the fall to decide what to do, when the pressure is off and life goes back to normal....