Over the last little while I've been noticing that my skimmer wasn't really pulling much out. At first I brushed it off because I had done some hefty water changes to clean up the tank after that incident with the De-Ionizer. Then I noticed that the skimmer was shooting a heck of a lot of micro bubbles into the tank. It got really bad and so I finally decided to do something about it.
here, have a look!
Yup, pretty nasty stuff..
Well, they're just feather dusters but still.. The soft ones with the mucus tubes are pretty gross. No wonder my skimmer wasn't doing jack all.
Here's what the inside of the skimmer looked like.
Needless to say, I was busy all afternoon. Once it was all scrubbed out I gave the pump a vinegar bath for half an hour, rinsed it and put it back on-line. It started to skim just like new!