Time for a quick update. It's salty now! Still have to add a bit more salt, and finish siliconing the sump baffles, but hopefully the sump will be up and running by Monday. I'm going to throw in a shrimp here soon and start dosing Microbacter7 to help the cycle along. Should be ready for a cleanup crew or a hardy fish in a few weeks. Still lots to work on, I'm not getting a lot of free time with work and family life but I'd like to finish plumbing in the remote fuge before the cycle finishes, as well as finish the top off/mixing station (or at least set up the ato). Fuge has had water and chaeto in it for a month and is growing green algae now. Ammonia, nitrite and nitrate are all 0 in the fuge, but the chaeto is growing so I'm assuming it has cycled. Thought about adding a cleanup crew or a fish, but decided to leave it that way for a bit longer until I can plumb both tanks together.
