Originally Posted by Drfu
Again, good advice and sorry for so many questions. You say porcelain crabs could be good for my 15g or both 15 & 8g? I do have a pistol/hifin goby pair right now in my 15, very entertaining and yes a never ending aquascaping of my dsb .
Porcelain's would be good for either tank. They are kinda hit or miss though. I've seen them out in the open showing themselves off, and I've seen others that hide in the shadows most of the time. I had a small one as a hitch hiker in my nuvo, but was very shy. I knew he was there because I would see his molts floating around. Not sure if he's still around. Haven't seen him in a few months. Cool little crabs to watch though, with their 'fan hands' constantly waving around. Was at big als today and they had a few out on the rocks.