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Old 04-02-2014, 01:20 AM
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darkreef darkreef is offline
Join Date: Feb 2013
Location: calgary
Posts: 338
darkreef is on a distinguished road

Humans are poison , a parasite ..
To dominate and destroy everything.
I could never really understand the hate in this world,
Because the people I grew up beside wouldn't be able to sleep at night knowing..

That they slaughtered and killed animals that don't need to be.

That they dumped thousands of gallons of crude into a city's drinking water.

That they bombed a place so bad nothing will ever grow or live there.

The list goes on... In the name of money.
It's as if you only made money to do something destructive .
Whether its retail, commercial, or industrial
80 % of people go to work and help destroy

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