Thanks for all the comments everyone. I will have a lucrative clam prosthetics business and make a killing as that cost me less than $2 to do.
The hinge is normally made out of um, crap, I think its chitin but don't quote me on that. I have no idea what happened, I've had it happen before and I believe it ultimately led to the demise of the clam as there is nothing to restrict how far the two shells will part, except for the adductor muscle/ligament which becomes stretched and ultimately the clam puts all of its energy towards holding the two shells at a certain point and it becomes stressed and dies (my theory). It doesn't grow back to my knowledge. Its clearly gone and just isn't repairable even if it could repair itself. So far the clam seems to be ok with opening and retracting. I haven't had a look at it with the lights off but the larger clams never close up fully anyways.
I have no idea of future prognosis. I like to think the clam can live for years like this. Its looking even better today than it was a few days ago so I am feeling positive. Here are some more photos:
even yesterday I couldn't see that little flap of mantle that is tucked in there (and looking like it will emerge at any time). It looks promising to me
Tony, I'd definitely get in there and have a look at your clam. I have no idea what disintegrates the hinge or if the ricordeas can even do any damage but you just never know. Can't hurt to look