Clownfish attacking Flame Hawkfish help
I just added a flame Hawkfish to my 60G and my 2 clowns are totally ganging up on it and pinning it into a corner. They are relentless. Nipping at the Hawk ect...
The Hawk actually has defending its self pretty good... too good. I found the clown and the Hawk on the sandbed, the Hawk had the clowns fin in its mouth and wouldn't let go. I intervened with a turkey baster, the clown seems OK but its fin is injured, it's kind of favouring the fin a little....
Not sure what to do. The way my rockwork is set up I have little to NO chance of catching the Hawk. I may be able to catch the female clown and put it in my fuge for a turn....
The clowns are back at it now... hunting and pinning the Hawk.... I thought maybe the female clown would have learned her lesson.... guess not...