More Items For Sale!!!
Other items for sale: Open to reasonable offer, please no trades.
- 1800 Mag External Pump $100
- Fluval FX5 canister filter with all filters & hoses $175
- 10 gallon tanks - Have 10 available $6.00 each
- 1 - 160gallon pail of Instant Ocean Salt - unopened/seal on $30
- 3 - 160 gallon Reef Crystals Sea Salt - unopened/seal on $40
- 48 inch - light fixture, 2 x 250w MH, 4 atinics with LED moonlights. (will have to post pic, as I can't recall brand name) $225
Pickup NE Calgary.
Thanks for your interest! 
~ LeeWorld ~
"Not using a quarantine tank is like playing Russian roulette. Nobody wins the game, some people just get to play longer than others." - Anthony Calfo
Last edited by bulletsworld; 03-24-2014 at 05:00 AM.