I had one of these for a while as well. Noise has nothing to do with the pump, it's simply a very loud skimmer due to the way the bubbles are generated by venturi effect in the top of the skimmer. I could hear that sucker from most every room in my house, even with doors closed! I'm back to my old school, counter current, wooden air stone driven skimmer which is super quiet & skims better than I could ever get the Remora to.
If you search on the net, there are some workarounds which involve placing sound deadening material into the top of the skimmer to muffle the noise.
What kind of pump are you running? They generally come with a MaxiJet as the smaller pump option & a Mag 4 or something as the larger one. I had a Mag 4 which produced one heck of a lot of bubbles, but also a ton of noise in the process. I ended up cracking the inlet tube while trying to lift the skimmer off the tank for cleaning. That's the best thing that ever happened with that skimmer, 'cause it made be get rid of it & go back to my counter current job.
Last edited by mike31154; 03-23-2014 at 08:52 PM.