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Old 03-23-2014, 03:56 PM
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darkreef darkreef is offline
Join Date: Feb 2013
Location: calgary
Posts: 338
darkreef is on a distinguished road

Mine sleeps on my wave pump at night .
Iv heard of them in a all sps tank but that's curel if he's not the first fish in
Because he has the flow to get use to plus the fish .
My return is 1200 gph split . And a w25 .

They do not touch any corals , but my hit up your sponges if you can't feed him 3x daily .

Mine showed more interested in food last night mysis .
Going to buy marine grazers today .

He was starting to yellow up last night but now seems just as black .

Really hope I don't loose him he's so cute
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