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Old 03-21-2014, 03:14 PM
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BMW Rider BMW Rider is offline
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Calgary
Posts: 784
BMW Rider is on a distinguished road

I did my first open water dives a couple years ago in Kona. On the third of the four dive for my certification we were at a site called The Arches. We had gone from the boat out to the rock arches and were just looking around before heading back towards the boat when two huge manta rays passed directly above us heading towards our boat. Naturally we followed in behind them all the way back, about ten minutes swimming along behind them.
I retired and got a fixed income but it's broke.

50 gallon FOWLR, 10 gallon sump.
130 gallon reef, 20 gallon sump, 10 gallon refugium.
10 gallon quarantine.
60 gallon winter tank for pond fish.
300 gallon pond with waterfall.
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