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Old 03-19-2014, 10:45 PM
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gqlmao gqlmao is offline
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Sorry, my wording was a little confusing there. What I mean is: it is best to dose vodka in smaller and more frequent amounts. For example if you dose 2mls of vodka every two days, it would be better to dose 1ml every day as oppose to having it done every two days. The reasoning behind this is because vodka itself is a very potent carbon source (8x that of vinegar) by introducing larger amounts of vodka in a short period can cause short term excessive bacteria growth ultimately stripping the water clean and dropping your oxygen levels quickly. Like I said earlier, I dose every second day like yourself however my maintanence dose is very little compared to what I use to dose (.25ml/40gallons) .I also feed very heavily to take the full benefit of carbon dosing. In other words I don't see a problem on why you can't dose every second day as long as your following the vodka dosing guide on reef central.

Also, from your parameters posted. I don't think those are bad numbers to have, corals need a little bit of nitrate and phosphates to be happy.

Originally Posted by Oscar View Post
Could you rephrase this?

Last edited by gqlmao; 03-19-2014 at 10:49 PM.
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