How wide is this brace? Is there any livestock under in the shadow of it that really needs the light? If not, don't worry about it, shut off the center puck if possible & save some $$$s on electricity. If you do have something under the brace needing the light, re-aquascape or move to get it somewhere else with more light. Tank is young, now's the time to do this. No drilling, hacking, eurobracing, yada, yada, yada...
For what it's worth, my 77 gallon 4 foot Hagen tank is built without a brace, from the factory. All it has is the plastic trim around the top. It bows visibly in the center when full. For a few years I braced it using a ghetto piece of wood fix. Then I found out the tank comes this way & removed it. I had visions of the wooden brace slipping off & the sudden change in stress bursting the tank. I think the thickness of my glass is 3/8ths inch (non tempered), that's what my VorTech pump spacers are set at.
Last edited by mike31154; 03-18-2014 at 09:42 PM.